Juan Carlos Queirolo

Juan Carlos is the creative mind behind Andemita, he started the company as a search for new challenges and a deeper involvement in the creation of wilderness experiences. Juan Carlos was raised in Buenos Aires where he use to sail with his family during weekend and holidays. Watching the stars on the deck of the sail boat was a family tradition, the Southern Cross was always his favorite constellation. As a teenager he began travelling to Patagonia with friends to fish, hike and camp. Years later became a rock climber and mountaineer just to be able to asses more summits and amazing views. Eventually gaining a passion for the sport and for exploration. Since college wasn’t really doing the trick for him, at the age of 20 he departed to Asia with Raleigh International to explore the other face of the Earth and learn about Outdoor Leadership and Experiential Education. After seven months in Asia he returned to Bs As to continue his studies but this time in Journalism. Juan worked as a travel writer, photographer and as a graphic designer in a Corporate Training Group during three years.

At the age of 23 and after gathering a good amount of fun ascends and traverses along Patagonia, Juan decided to fully commit to a life in the outdoors. This is when he begun his carrier at N.O.L.S. – National Outdoors Leadership School in the U.S.A. and Chile. He lead rock climbing and mountaineering trips in Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, Alaska and in Aysen (Chilean Patagonia) for nine years. As a Mountain Guide Juan worked in Southern Patagonia for different programs and companies gaining much experience leading hikers over 50 years old. He discovered that was the public he enjoyed working most. In 2009 Juan settled permanently in Bariloche and begun to focus his guiding work on the Lake District Region. Here he discovered a new style of guiding, focusing much more in the service than on the physical challenge. This change was a new field for grouth and gave him new tools to offer actual wilderness trips with good atention to detail and service.

Juan Carlos lives outside Bariloche city with his life partner Lucia, enjoying their small cabin and the pleasures of a slow lifestyle. On his time off Juan enjoys cooking while listening to good music, gardening his backyard and practicing some Yoga to keep his body somewhat flexible. Outside Juan takes advantage of every season going mountain biking and sea-kayaking in the summer, ice-skating on alpine lakes during the Fall, back-country skiing during the Winter, rock climbing and mountaineering when flower bloom in the Spring.

Outdoor Certifications:

  • N.O.L.S. Senior Instructor
  • A.A.G.M. Mountain Guide
  • W.F.R. First Aid Certified
  • L.N.T. Leave No Trace Master Educator
  • AV 1 Level Avalanche Awareness
  • Nahuel Huapi National Park Mountain & Kayaking Guide
  • A.C.A American Canoe Association Level 3, Coastal Kayaking

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Linkedin Profile.



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