As many remote and vast region of our World, travelling may take time so please remain flexible! Things run better than during the early 1900s when the first settlers had to travel by carried and horseback during months to join the Atlantic Ocean with the Andes.
Still remember the Patagonian saying: “If you are in a hurry in Patagonia, you are wasting your time!”
Nowadays it is easy to find flights to the most popular cities and large town. Connecting flight between them are usually slim and vary depending the season. Aerolineas Argentinas or Lan airlines are the main providers, LADE is a smaller airline which will make you feel you are back in time with its propeller small planes. Their rates are the best though!
Travelling by public long distance bus is an Argentinean tradition worth while experimenting at some point in life. But do not be mistaken, if you are expecting a cultural rush as in Peru or Bolivia with chickens and lams in the bus… no no, here we are talking first class sleeping busses with the latest movies (some before they reach the theater, do not ask how) and hot meals served during the drive.
Car renting is easy but a little more pricy than Europe or North America, still a great option to travel around Patagonia. Please, practice those “defensive driving skills” you probably learned at home, Argentians go crazy behing the wheel and Chileans are unpredictable! Remember, always low-lights turned ON when driving in Argentina.
A general good advise, maintain your “low profile” in South America. Travel simple and leave jewelry and diamond watches at home. Trying to merge with the locals in big cities is a good way of avoiding being tag by pick-pockters. If renting a car, do not leave expensive things at site or your hole luggage. Money belts work well and Credit Cards are broadly accepted though do carry some cash always.
If travelling during January or February plan well ahead flights and accommodations since it is High Season for locals and everything gets busy. Hire a guide for recommendations how to avoid the crowds! 😉